Easy Sandwich

by - July 16, 2020

Easy Sandwich

Hey Friends..Today I am going to show you one tasty and easy sandwitch type..It is healthy and tasty...Must try it friends and don't forget to comment if you have any questions or suggestions...💖💖 



Ingredients :-   
 सामग्री :-  
 Potato - 3              आलू - उबले हुए 3
 Onion -1    प्याज़- 1
 Green peas - 1/4 cup  हरा मटर- 1/2 कप
 Carrot - 1/2 cup  गाजर- 1/2 कप
 Coriander  हरा धनिया
 Lemon juice - 3 tsp  नींबू का रस- 3 चम्मच
 Red chilli powder - 1/2 tsp  लाल मिर्च पाउडर - 1/2चम्मच
 Pavbhaji masala - 1/2 tsp  पावभाजी मसाला - 1/2 चम्मच
 Garam masala - 1/2 tsp  गरम मसाला- 1/2 चम्मच
 Salt as per taste  नमक स्वादानुसार

Procedure :- 

Step 1
Step 1:
  • Take a pan add chopped onion in it..Fry it till it become golden brown colour.
  • कढ़ाई में 2 चम्मच तेल डालकर प्याज़ सुन्हेरा होने तक भूने.

Step 2

  • Add smashed potato, chopped carrot,green peas,red chilli powder,garam masala,pavbhaji masala,salt, coriander in it.
  • उसमें आलू मसलकर, कटा गाजर, हरे मटर, लाल मिर्च पाउडर, गरम मसाला, पावभाजी मसाला, नमक, हरा धनिया डाले.

Step 3
  • Mix it well and cook for 3 to 4 min.
  • अच्छी तरह मिलाये और 3/4 मिनीट पकाये. 

Step 4

  • Take a bread .Spread green chatni on one slice and tomato sauce on other.
  • ब्रेड के एक स्लाइज पर हरी चटनी लगाये, दूसरी स्लाइज पर टोमाटो सॉस लगाये. 

Step 5

  • Spread potato mixture on green bread slice 
  • आलू का मसाला हरी चटनी वाले ब्रेड पर फेला दे..

Step 6
  • Spread pomegranate pieces on it.
  • उसपर अनार के दाने डाले,

Step 7
  • Put one slice  to another and roast it on pan.
  • दूसरी स्लाइज उसपर रखें, तवेपर बटर/ तेल/घी लगाकर क्रिस्पी होने तक सेके...an

      sandwitch  final

         So you Easy tasty quick sandwitch is ready......💗💗💗💗

      Bonus tip:

      • You can use cheese in it if you like.
      • You may use brown bread instead of white for more health nutritions.
      • You may add vegetables like sweetcorn,paneer..

                This recipe is very healthy and easy sandwich...If you liked the recipe then do comment..It's easy and too much tasty 😋..Must try it.

      Thank You..
      The Isha's Kitchen.

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      1. Very tempting sandwich with green chatni its a nice combination.

      2. I love sandwiches but during this lockdown it's not possible to buy or to feel the taste of sandwiches..but this recipe will definitely helps me .. thank you 😊🤞💯

