Coconut Chatni
Hey Friends.Here is a one chatni type which can be served with any
recipe..So here it is...💖💖
Ingredients :-सामग्री :- Coconut -1 नारियल - 1 Peanuts - 1 tsp मुगफली- 1 चम्मच Green chilli - 2 to 3 हरी मिर्च - 2 Coriander हरा धनिया Sugar - 1 tsp शक्कर -1चम्मच Salt as per taste नमक- स्वादानुसार Mustard seeds राई Curry leaves करीपत्ता Urad beans उडद दाल oil तेल
Procedure :-
- Grind pieces of coconut, peanuts, coriander,green chilli,sugar,salt in mixer.
- मिक्सर में नारियल के टुकड़े ,मूंगफली, हरा धनिया, हरी मिर्च, शक्कर, नमक डाले.
Grind them with the help of water and make a fine paste - पाणी डालकर अच्छी तरह पिस ले.
- Take a tadka pan .Put 2 tsp oil in it and after oil get hot put mustered seeds,curry leaves,urad dal in it.
- तडके के लिये कढ़ाई में 2 चम्मच तेल डाले तेल अच्छी तरह गरम होने पर राई, करीपत्ता, उडद दाल डाले .
Bonus tip:
- You may use Mint leaves (Pudina) in it.
This chatni is very simple and you
can serve it with many recipes.... easy and too much tasty 😋..Must try it.
Thank You..
The Isha's Kitchen.