Moongdal Idli

by - December 07, 2020

Hello everyone...
Welcome to the Isha's kitchen. Today I am going to upload tasty delicious and simple and healthy recipe.
So today's recipe is  Moongdal Idli..
One new tasty and so much healthy and tasty recipe for you.. 
I hope you enjoy it.. Must try it friends and don't forget to comment if you have any questions or suggestions...💖💖

This recipe is specially for children who do not eat moong pulses and healthy food items ..Children always want to have tasty and yummy looking food ..Today's recipe is very much tasty and you will make this recipe again and again after making once ..So must try recipe.. moong pulses is also It is rich in Vitamin A, B, C and E and also in many minerals including iron, calcium, and many more..💖💖
So don't miss this recipe read out and give it a try and share your comments with me... Also follow me on Instagram Facebook.


Ingredients :-   
 सामग्री :-  
 moong pulses flour- 1 cup     मूंग दाल आटा- 1 कप 
 coriander  हरा धनिया 
 Eno/baking soda - 1/2 tsp  एनो/बेकिंग सोडा- 1/2 चम्मच
 sesame seeds - 1/2 tsp तिल -1/2 चम्मच
 coriander seeds - 1/2 tsp धनिया के बीज-1/2 चम्मच
 Sugar- 2 tsp चीनी -चम्मच
 curry leaves, Green chilli - 2  करी पत्ते,हरी मिर्च-2
 Ginger, Garlic अदरक , लहसुन
 salt  as per need.  नमक स्वादानुसार

Procedure :- 

  • Take ginger, garlic, coriander, green chilli and grind it n mixer.
  • अदरक, लहसुन, धनिया, हरी मिर्च लें और इसे मिक्सर में पीस लें।

  • Take a moong pulses flour, green paste sugar, salt in bowl. Add water and mix.
  • कटोरे में मूंग दाल का आटा, हरी पेस्ट  चीनी, नमक लें। पानी डालकर मिलाएं।
  • Add 3 tsp oil and make a medium thick batter.
  • 3 टीस्पून तेल डालें और मध्यम गाढ़ा घोल बनाएं।

  • Add eno or baking soda in it. And quickly put batter in idli mould.
  • इसमें ईनो या बेकिंग सोडा मिलाएं और जल्दी से इडली मोल्ड में बैटर डालें।

  • Cook it for 15 min. .
  • इसे 15 मिनट तक पकाएं।
  • Take a kadhai and add oil .Make it hot and add sesame seeds, green chilli and coriander seeds in it .Add it over dhokala.
  • कढ़ाही लें और तेल डालें। इसे गर्म करें और इसमें तिल, हरी मिर्च और धनिया के बीज डालें।इसे ढोकला के ऊपर डालें

  • So your Moongdal Idli is ready...... 😋😋😍
  • Enjoy the recipe .. Hope you liked it .. If liked it don't forget to comment below.
  • If you have suggestions or questions for me feel free to contact me.
  • You can serve with coconut chatni or green chatni..

Bonus tip:

  • You may use many vegetable as per your choice like carrot, green peas.

     This recipe is very healthy ..oil free ... easy and too much tasty 😋..Must try it.

Thank You..
The Isha's Kitchen.

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