
Oats Lollipop

by - October 14, 2020

Oats Lollipop

Hey Friends .Today I am going to show you one tasty easy very healthy ..Kids special .. Diet special Recipe.. Must try it .... Oil free.. very healthy recipe...💖💖 



Ingredients :-   
 सामग्री :-  
 Oats- 1 cup                 ओट्स - 1 कप
 sweet potato- 1 boiled  शकरकंद -  1उबला हुआ
 potato - 1 boiled  आलू - 1 उबला हुआ
 Chat masala  - 1/2 tsp  चाट मसाला -1/2 चम्मच
 Coriander   हरा धनिया
 Red chilli powder  लाल मिर्च पाउडर 1/2 चम्मच
 Curd - 1/2 cup  पावभाजी मसाला -1/2 चम्मच
 Salt as per taste नमक स्वादानुसार

Procedure :- 

Step 1
  • Take a bowl. Add boiled smashed potato,sweet potato, all spices, salt, oats in it.  
  • शकरकंद, आलू उबाल लें और मसल लें ,उसमें ओट्स, मसाले, नमक मिलाये

Step 2
  • Mix it well and make a dough.
  • अच्छी तरह मिलाकर आटा गूंथ लें.

Step 3
  • Make a lollipop using stick.
  • स्टिक पर लगा ले,
Step 4
  • Shallow fry them from all sides to become a crispy..
  • तवेपर तेल डालकर शालो फ्राय करे.

Oats Lollipop final
Oats Lollipop
  • So your Oats Lollipop is Ready.........

    Bonus tip:

    • You can add vegetables You like like sweetcorn.

              This recipe is very healthy.. Oats Lollipop ..oil free.. easy and too much tasty 😋..Must try it.
    Thank You..
    The Isha's Kitchen.

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