Matar Samosa

by - January 08, 2021

hello friends,
Welcome to the isha's kitchen.
Today I am going to upload a special tasty recipe for you .. Season of peas is going on and you must try some simple recipes of green peas.. So my today's recipe is Matar Samosa. Wow today I have made small size peas somosas . So why are you waiting .. Just read the recipe and make it. 


Green peas are nutritious and it contains anti-oxidants and fiber. Children will love this recipe ..So Try this simple recipe at your home and enjoy the filling of green peas with green chatney.
And don't forget to send me your feedback and also do comment and follow us on social media.


Ingredients :-   
 सामग्री :-  
 All purpose flour- 2cups   मैदा - 2 कप
 Green peas- 1 cup  हरा मटर-  1 कप
 potato - 1 boiled  आलू - 1 boiled
 Green chilli -3  हरी मिर्च - 3
 Onion- 1  प्याज- 1
 Coriander हरा धनिया
 Coriander seed and cumin seeds -1/4 tsp  धनिया  जिरा पाउडर- 1/4 चम्मच
 carom seeds-1/2 tsp  अजवाइन- 1/2 चम्मच
 Salt as per taste नमक स्वादानुसार

How to make a green chatni? 

Procedure :- 

  • Take a bowl. Add All purpose flour, carom seeds and salt in it. .
  • एक बाउल मे मैदा,अजवाइन और नमक डालें।

  • Mix all ingredients and make a dough.
  • सारी सामग्री मिला दे, अच्छी तरह आटा गूंथ लें.  
  • Take peas ,green chilli and coriander. Grind them in mixer.
  • मटर, हरी मिर्च और धनिया लें। उन्हें मिक्सर में पीस लें।
  • Smash the boiled potato.
  • उबले हुए आलू को स्मैश करें।
  • Take a oil in pan. Let it hot, add onion and let it become a golden brown. 
  • पैन में तेल लें। इसे गर्म होने दें, प्याज डालें और इसे सुनहरा भूरा होने दें।
  • Add peas mixture , smashed potato, salt, carom-coriander seeds powder in it.
  • इसमें मटर का मिश्रण, आलू, नमक,  धनिया  जिरा पाउडर मिलाएं
  • Mix it well and cook for 2 mins.
  • इसे अच्छे से मिलाएं और 2 मिनट तक पकाएं।.

  • Now make a circle of dough, divide into half parts. 
  • अब आटे की एक रोटी बनाएं, आधा भागों में विभाजित करें।.
  • Make a cone of that half part.
  • उस आधे भाग का एक शंकु बनाओ।
  • Put green mixture in it.
  • इसमें हरा मिश्रण डालें।
  • Pack it from all sides.
  • इसे सभी तरफ से पैक करें।
  • Fry the samosas in hot oil.
  • समोसे को गरम तेल में तलें

  • So your Special small small tasty tasty sweet Green samosas are ready..💖💖💖
  • You can serve it with tomato sauce or green chatney.

    Bonus tip:

    • You can add cheese and other vegetables.

              This recipe is very healthy.. Matar Samosa..oil free.. easy and too much tasty 😋..Must try it.
    Thank You..
    The Isha's Kitchen.

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