Karela Rings

by - July 08, 2020

Karela rings

Hey Friends .Today I am going to show you karela rings ..It is very healthy and tasty recipe.. Many people doesn't like karela(bitter melon) so today I am going to show you very tasty and healthy karela rings....You will really enjoy this recipe.. and who don't like karela ..they will love this recipe...💖💖 



Ingredients :-   
 सामग्री :-  
 Bitter melon -250 gm                    करेला - 250 ग्राम
 Gram flour -1/2 cup      बेसन - 1/2 कप
 Rice flour - 1/4 cup  चावल का आटा - 1/4 कप
 Lemon juice - 3 tsp  निम्बू का रस - 3 चम्मच
 Sugar - 1 tsp  शक्कर - 1 चम्मच
 Red chilli powder - 1/2  tsp  लाल मिर्च पाउडर - 1/2चम्मच
 Turmeric - 1/2 tsp  हल्दी - 1/2 चम्मच
 Salt as per taste  नमक स्वादानुसार    

Procedure :- 

Step 1

  • Make thin slices of bitter melon and remove all water from it.add red chilli powder,lemon,salt,suger, tamarind in it..
  • करेले स्लाइज कर ले उसका पानी निचोड ले उसपर नींबू ,नमक, शक्कर,हल्दी, लाल मिर्च पाउडर अच्छी तरह लगा लें,

Step 2

  • Mix it well properly And add rice flour and wheat flour in it..And mix it.
  • अब बेसन, चावल का आटा लगा ले, पानी मत डाले, 

Step 3

  • Deep Fry into hot oil one by one till it becomes crispy.
  • गरम तेल मे एक एक स्लाइज डालकर क्रिस्पी होने तक तल लें...

Step 4

  • So your crispy karela rings are ready it eat...😋😋😍

    Bonus tip:

    • You can use corn flour instead of rice flour.
    • Fry karela on medium flame so it will become more crispy😋😋
    • If you have time then before half hour mix karela with 1/2 tsp salt and must remove all water.
    • You may sprinkle a pinch of chaat masala on rings after fry.

              This recipe is very healthy.. easy and too much tasty 😋..Must try it.
    Thank You..
    The Isha's Kitchen.

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