
Dahi pohe

by - September 28, 2020

Dahi Pohe

Hey Friends..
Welcome to the special week of Kids Special.In this series I am going to upload tasty delicious and simple and healthy recipes.
So today's recipe is  Dahi Pohe..
I hope you like it..Must try it friends and don't forget to comment if you have any questions or suggestions...💖💖 



Ingredients :-   
 सामग्री :-  
 Thin poha -2 cup             पतला पोहा - 2 कप
 curd -1cup  दही - 1 कप
 milk-1 cup  दूध-1 कप
 peanuts-1/2 cup मुगफली - 1/2 कप
 coconut crush- 1/2 cup नारियल का क्रश- 1/2 कप
 Coriander हरा धनिया
 oil - 1/2 cup तेल - 1/2 कप
 Roasted gram - tsp भूनी चना दाल- 2 चम्मच
 Green chilli -2 हरी मिर्च - 2
 mustard seeds-1/2 tsp राई- 1/2 चम्मच 
 Salt as per taste नमक स्वादानुसार
 pomegranate seeds-1/4 tsp अनारदाना सजाने के लिए
 Sugar -2 tsp शक्कर -2 चम्मच
 curry leaves करीपत्ता

Procedure :- 

Step 1
  • Take a poha. Add milk , curd , coconut crush , coriander , pomegranate seeds , salt, sugar. 
  • बाउल में पोहा ले दही, दूध, नारियल क्रश, हरा धनिया, अनारदाना,नमक,शक्कर डालकर मिला लें.

Step 2
  • Take a kadhai add 3 tsp oil. Make it hot . Add mustered seeds , curry leaves , green chilli , peanuts , roasted gram in it and fry.  
  • तड़के के लिए कढाई में  3 चम्मच तेल डालें, राई ,करीपत्ता, हरीमिर्च, मुगफली, भूनी दाल डालकर अच्छी तरह भूने.
Step 3
  • Add into in poha mixture.
  • तड़का पोहा पर डालकर मिला लें.

Dahi pohe final

   So your Easy tasty Healthy Dahi pohe is ready.....💗💗💗💗

Bonus tip:

  • You can use thick poha. 

This recipe is very healthy and easy Healthy dahi Pohe.  If you liked the recipe then do comment.. It's easy and too much tasty 😋..Must try it.

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Thank You..
The Isha's Kitchen.

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